
Motion graphics designer with a passion creating art that leads to positive user experiences.



Looking into a rusty mirror, after having just finished brushing my teeth with water that was not considered safe to drink, I decided that I needed to change the course of my life. I got dressed, went to the internet shack down the dirt path, and googled art schools. I was three months into my deployment in Ramadi, Iraq and realized that if I didn’t make a change I’d end up there again. 

Through the remainder of my deployment I built up a portfolio of work and was accepted into a few schools. Three months after I returned from Iraq I started my freshman year of art school.

Fast forward nearly 10 years and I am a motion designer who thrives on solving creative challenges, learning something new everyday, and finding myself mildly uncomfortable with the hurdles of each new project I undertake. My goals with each project are to enhance the user experience at whatever point they interact with my content and to continually raise the bar for myself and my clients.

Looking into the mirror now, I’m usually contemplating creative challenges that I have yet to solve, and thanking my lucky stars I made a positive change in my career situation.




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